
A Taste Of Sunshine: How Tropical Fruits Can Brighten Your Health

We all know the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.  However, alarming information from the most recent National Family Health survey shows that over 54% of Indian women don’t consume fruit even once a week.  That’s more than half of India’s mothers, wives and daughters missing out on the essential nutrients which fruit contains, not to mention the delicious tastes. Since all fruit is sattvic, make it your mission to increase your consumption - particularly those of the tropical variety - and you’ll enjoy numerous health benefits and mouth watering flavors.  From citrus fruit smoothies for breakfast to juicy slices of pineapple in the hottest part of the day, tropical fruits bring a taste of sunshine into your life.

Super Fruits

There are some fruits which are so packed with nutrients that they really should be called Super Fruits.  Papayas, for example, not only promote eye health and good digestion, but they also contain potassium which protects against heart disease, and lycopene, which can lower the risk of cancer.  Similarly, scientists have found cancer-fighting properties in mangoes.  Even better, both fruits are delicious and rich in vitamin C, which is proven to boost your mood naturally.

Fiber: Your friend for digestion

The National Institute for Nutrition recommends that adults should eat 40g of fiber per day, but many people do not consume enough. Fiber aids good digestion and reduces constipation and bloating, by helping waste pass through the body.  It also slows down the rate at which sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream, helping to manage conditions such as diabetes, and reducing blood pressure and inflammation.  Pineapple, kiwi fruit and jackfruit are all excellent sources of fiber, as well as being delicious.

Anti-aging Antioxidants Antioxidants protect our body’s cells from harmful damage caused by free radicals.  Some studies have shown antioxidants to help combat the signs of aging, by promoting good brain health, offering relief from arthritis and helping to provide youthful, glowing skin.  The sattvic diet is already rich in legumes and whole grains, but you can supplement this with tropical fruits for an extra burst of healthy nutrients.  Lychees, mangoes, passion fruits are all great sources of antioxidants, as are (of course) those Super Fruits mangoes and papayas.
When it comes to all round health, tropical fruits are literally bursting with essential nutrients. From fighting cancer to promoting good daily digestion, to setting your body up for old age, these fruits can really pack a punch. Even better, they’re simply delicious too!  Try a taste of the tropics today, for brighter, happier health.
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