
Cultivate A Sattva Lifestyle With Yoga And Ethical Eating

In 2016 it was reported that there has been a significant increase in the popularity of yoga in India with up to 30% more people taking up the spiritual past-time. Most spiritual channels and religions throughout the course of history, including yoga, have displayed some sort of rule or practices relating to food and eating. Yogis have always been of the belief that food is the architect of our prana (internal life force). A pure yoga mastery proposes an untainted ethical diet that enables the occurrence of sattva which is a trait that embraces peace, love, awareness, and association with all conscious beings

Peter Farb and George Armelago, the authors of Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Eating were quoted as saying: “Food to a large extent is what holds a society together, and eating is closely linked to deep spiritual experiences.” Eating, like yoga, can be seen as a ritual through which universal balance is obtained. Everything we consume, whether nutritious or unhealthy, has a direct influence on our souls. There are numerous moral food sources that can easily be incorporated into a yoga-centric diet, affording superb nutritional benefits to the spiritual individual.

Dark leafy greens

Dark leafy greens such as kale, collards, and arugula are superb sources of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins A, C, E, & which, together with a healthy dose of antioxidants, can prevent you from falling ill. Yoga is beneficial to the entire body and by increasing your green vegetable intake, you can significantly boost the benefits even further. Greens are a lot more versatile than you can imagine and make a welcome addition to smoothies, salads, soups or sautéed as an accompaniment to your meal. Kale and other dark green veg has the ability to strengthen your immune and respiratory systems and even boasts a number of anti-cancer properties. If you eat your veg on a regular basis you will feel invigorated enough to tap into your full potential both on and off the yoga mat.

Raw cacao

Yoga has been known to increase longevity and it seems like raw cacao holds the same benefit. Raw cacao, whether in butter, beans or powder form, is a versatile superfood filled with powerful nutrients that aid the body in numerous ways. You can add a teaspoon of cacao butter to your favorite smoothie or use the powder for a delicious and nutritious almond milk drink. The antioxidants assist in fighting disease, the magnesium supports mental health and the flavonoids are able to decrease the risk of heart disease. If you are not a fan of raw cacao, opt for 60% or higher organic dark chocolate that can help in regulating your blood glucose levels while giving you an energy boost.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are tiny little nutritious powerhouses filled with fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and antioxidants. While they gained popularity as the main component of the animal-shaped planters known as chia pets, more people are including them as part of a healthy diet.  In terms of yoga, this all equates to reduced inflammation of the muscles, a healthy heart, strong bones, and regular bowel movements.  A mere two ounces of chia seeds contains more calcium as a glass of milk, making them an excellent choice for anyone trying to ward off osteoporosis.

Yoga and eating are both very personal experiences with balance being important in both. It is vital to remain conscious and in the moment during both without feeling obliged to adhere to strict rules and regulations.  By following an ethical diet and engaging in regular yoga sessions you will be able to invite balance and prosperity into your life and enjoy all the benefits that come from it.

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