Mutamba, a rare Sattvic herb

If you ask the population of Peru or any other country in South America that treats diseases, everyone will tell you that they use nature's herbs, and they do not doubt it. The herbs commonly found in rainforest areas have been known to them since distant times when their ancestors haven't heard and haven't yet invented medicine based on chemistry.

One of the many trees that have medicinal properties is the Mutamba tree.

Also known by these names Guazuma ulmifolia, or West Indian elm or bay cedar The world's population began to understand the rare benefits of this magic tree just a few years ago that our ancestors used it for centuries and it's also used in the Sattvic diet that promotes purity of both body and mind. Mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia) beside before mentioned three names is also known as: mutambo, embira, guineas, guacima, guasima, cigarrona, guazuma, bolaina, atadijo, ibixuma, bois d'orme, bois de hetre. Mutamba tree grows up to 30 meters high with 30 to 40 cm in diameter. The tree has small white and bright-yellowish flowers, and it;s leaves are 6 to 12 cm in length. Mutamba tree also has fruit, that is edible. The fruit is covered with sharp spines and has a strong smell similar like the one of honey. These parts of the mutamba tree are used in Sattvic diet and healing: the fruit, root, bark and the leaf. Different countries and regions use the tree as a cure for many different diseases. For example, in Peru, they are using the bark and the leaves from the tree for healing diarrhea, asthma, bronchitis, fever, hair loss, hepatitis, lung problems, malaria, syphilis, etc. In Jamaica, they find the mutamba tree helpful for diarrhea, elephantiasis, leprosy, malaria. The people in Mexico are healing asthma, chest problem, childbirth, constipation, gastrointestinal problems, bleeding, infections, skin problems. Brazil: blood cleaning, coughs, excessive mucous, hepatitis, pneumonia. Haiti: digestive sluggishness, fractures, wounds, etc. All countries in Central and South America have different uses from the tree. But they also have healing common diseases like:

-  Mutamba for  Asthma

Many of the world's population suffers from Asthma. Due to increasing air pollution, neither children nor adults are spared. The best way to treat asthma is prevention and early detection. What causes asthma? Those that are sensitive to pollen or allergic to pollen or dust mites have a high chance of getting asthma. Mold in the home is a cause of asthma and if it is not removed in time, the likelihood that it will cause significant damage to human health is high. As I mentioned earlier, air pollution is one of the major causes of asthma. The bark of the Mutaba tree is a medicine that acts in the treatment of asthma, and so far many people are satisfied with the results.

-    Hair loss

At any time, about 90% of the human hair is continually growing and changing. Each follicle has its own life cycle, and in turn, it depends on several factors, such as the age of the person, illness or many other factors. To prevent hair falling if hair loss is not caused by illness, you should avoid strong hair treatments, appropriately comb it, use natural shampoos and hair cosmetics. Procyanidin B-2 promoted hair cell growth and increased the total number of hairs on a designated scalp area. Researchers have determined that Mutamba bark is NIL a rich source of this natural chemical compound.

-    Bronchitis

Bronchitis can be chronic or acute. It is usually severe and is caused by the same viruses that cause colds or flu. Antibiotics do not kill viruses, so this type of medicine is not used in the treatment of bronchitis. The most common causes of bronchitis are polluted air, that is, toxins and dust in the air. Sometimes a bacterial disease can cause bronchitis. Most commonly bronchitis is those with weak immunity, such as adults, babies, and young children. The bark from Mutamba tree it kills both bacteria and viruses and is making it the perfect natural remedy against bronchitis.

-    Kidney Disorders

The pain we feel when the kidneys do not hurt is quite intense and painful. The pain occurs in the lower back and may be caused by stones in the kidneys or kidneys if they have any other illness. If a person suffers from Hepatitis C, he also suffers from the liver, and this may also be affected the kidneys because the liver and kidneys are related. Studies show that the bark of the Mutamba tree acts in the treatment of the kidneys from any cause.

-    Liver Problems

The liver is an organ that detoxifies various metabolites by synthesizing proteins and producing biochemical that is indispensable for digestion. Apart from these primary functions, the liver regulates and stores glycogen, the red cell breakdown, and is responsible for the production of hormones. Liver damage is a condition that must be treated urgently. The most common causes of liver damage and failure are:
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis B
  • Long-term alcohol consumption
  • Cirrhosis
  • Hemochromatosis
These are the other benefits of this tree:
  • Kills bacteria
  • Kills Viruses
  • Kills Cancer Cells
  • Support heart
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Fight free radicals
  • Reduces inflammation
The Mutamba bark is rich in tannins and antioxidant chemicals that are called proanthocyanidins with one name. Of these proanthocyanidins, the most important is B-2, which in many studies has proven to be a super anti-bald remedy. This proanthocyanidin B-2 kills all bacteria and viruses, and even cancer cells. The best of the bumblebee bark is that there are no unhealthy consequences for human health so far.
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